Unfortunately I don't own a house, so can not use any, but I can dream! :) So I've been doing some snooping to see if you can get any different kinds of chalkboard paint, because as nice as black is, it'd be awesome to have lots of other colours!! And I found something!! YAY!
Martha Stewarts has come up with a homemade formula for making your own chalkboard paint, granted it may take longer to apply than a ready made black paint, but it'll be colourful!! :) I thought I'd share the recipe for anyone else interested.
She says: Start with flat-finish latex paint in any shade. For small areas, such as a door panel, mix 1 cup at a time.
1. Pour 1 cup of paint into a container. Add 2 tablespoons of unsanded tile grout. Mix with a paint stirrer, carefully breaking up clumps.
2. Apply paint with a roller or a sponge paintbrush to a primed or painted surface. Work in small sections, going over the same spot several times to ensure full, even coverage. Let dry.
3. Smooth area with 150-grit sandpaper, and wipe off dust.
4. To condition: Rub the side of a piece of chalk over entire surface. Wipe away residue with a barely damp sponge.
There are so many things you can use this for. Like, for a small child's room, on cabinets in the kitchen for reminders of foods you need to buy, in the bathroom when you need more toilet roll, in an office you can a calendar. It's a pretty awesome idea!
I have been looking at some stationary for a while. I love looking at stationary, and I found some stuff by Lotta Jansdotter recently. It is SO SO SO pretty. Very simple and cute, and the colours are very earthy and natural. I love it so much. I bought some stuff today, but really want to share with you how pretty their stuff is.
1. The Tao of Pooh and the Te of Piglet.
I haven’t read very far yet, just the foreword, I want to save the book for my flight over to Australia. But my curiosities lead me to look up some quotes, and the book does seem truely inspirational and uplifting. I would already recommend it.
Some wonderful quotes:
"Lots of people talk to animals," said Pooh.
"Maybe, but..."
Not very many listen, though," he said.
"That's the problem," he added. Everything has its own place and function. That applies to people, although many don't seem to realize it, stuck as they are in the wrong job, the wrong marriage, or the wrong house. When you know and respect your Inner Nature, you know where you belong. You also know where you don't belong. Thousands of years ago, man lived in harmony with the rest of the natural world . . . he communicated with animals, plants, and other forms of life - none of which he considered "beneath" himself, only different, with different jobs to perform.
2.Brook Fraser – amazing women with a lot to say. So inspirational with what she is doing in Africa, and how she is trying to spread the word.
3. These cute Monsters!
4. Meet the Robinsons! I watched it last night, and it's so inspirational and cute! I love it!
“Around here, however, we don’t
look backwards for very long.
We keeping moving forward, opening up new doors and
Doing new things, because we’re curious...
And curiosity keeps leading us down new paths.”
-Walt Disney
5. Popcorn Cupcakes! Oh my! I now really want a movie night so that I can make these!
6. My toenails! Painted for a beach party themed party. :P
7. Stationary! I love any kind, just give me stationary and I'm happy!
8. Feels like Woah - Wes Carr (Australian Idol winner)
9. SCRUBS!! -boy do I watch a lot of things! I love Scrubs, so funny, so amazing, so real...and great music!
10. Hugs! You can't give a hug without getting a hug.
I recently bought a new book, which involves Winnie the Pooh and inside there are copies of the original drawings of Pooh and his friends. I don't know why but those pictures gave me a warm feeling. They aren't all clean and produced like the current pictures of Pooh, although I love them too, but these ones seem to have character and warmth. They make me feel young again. :) I am talking about the pictures by Ernest H. Shepard.
A map of the world of Winnie the Pooh. :) I love the little comments on here such as the one near Eeyore's home: "rather dodgy and sad".
When I was looking through my photos for scrapbooking, I realised I had taken a similar picture in two different seasons, and thought both were quite beautiful. :) I wanted to share the prettyness of my walks in autumn and winter with you.
I am now waiting for the weather to get nicer so that I can take a spring/summer photo to complete the seasons. :)
I've continued scrapbooking! Tis so much fun. Had to stop now, even though I'm not entirely finished. I can't print anymore photos, because I don't have the right paper tray for the papers I have, and have no more paper for the paper tray I have. And I really want to concentrate on packing up my room next week. Gonna be sad to leave it. Anyhoo! Here are the other pages!
I redid the pond formal page. I didn't like the previous one.
GENEVA: My favourite page so far is my birthday one, it's just so happy. :)