Sunday 28 October 2012

Preparing for Halloween

Halloween is next week, and as I explained yesterday I have taken it as an excuse to organise all sorts of fun activities for the kiddies in the Nursery room next week. I was hoping to make some gloop/slime as a textile exploration for the kids, but unfortunately ALL of our attempts at that have resulted in something that would not be suitable for little kids. We did have a lot of fun, but none of the attempts could really be called gloop or slime. Oh well!

I did manage to make myself a Halloween costume (I'll share that later), some Monster bowling pins, a pumpkin bowling ball, a sign to remind parents we are dressing up for Halloween on Tuesday, some pumpkin spice playdough and am waiting for the orange dye to dry on some felt so I can make some felt pumpkins that the kids can arrange faces on. :D I also have some painting plans for next week too: Feet ghosts (white footprints look like ghosts when upside down) and blob spiders (the kids have been loving bubbles and so want to try and blow the bubbles, so I thought they could use straws to blow spider legs for a blob of paint). I am excited for next week. :)

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