Friday 24 April 2009

Blind Drawing is fun.

This morning I woke up at 8:30, trying to get ready for starting uni again. I went shopping for some clothes, and got a book from the library for revision. Then I was pretty bored, so I drew. :) I keep forgetting how much I enjoy drawing. It's so relaxing and soothing, yet so much fun! I decided to do some blind drawing since it's been such a long time since I last did it. It was something my art teacher introduced me to, to loosen up my drawings. Here's what I produced.

Some tries with glasses, and a random dude. I don't think glasses are easy to draw on a face blind.
These are supposed to be me and my college friends...I'm not sure it's that easy to tell. From top to bottom: Me, Adrienne, Sasha, Miriam.
I also tried doing a whole person. :) I quite like it. Feels very childlike yet not. That's what I love about blind drawing.

As well as doing some blind drawing I made a new little character. I really like this style. I used to draw something similar, basically meaning the same shape head. :P Here she is. I will call her Susie. :)

Last night we, Adrienne and I, cooked one of the best dinners we've had since we've been cooking for ourselves in the oh so well equipped pantry of ours in college. Cheat Lasagna. Not sure if it is generally known, I'm pretty sure it was my mums idea. :) It's basically all the ingredients of lasagna without having to cook it in an oven. So we had pasta, white sauce, mince (turkey, it was going cheap) and tomato sauce. Yum yum. :) Didn't taste quite normal because of the turkey, but was SO yum.

Our proud creation. :)

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